Bilingual Online service
Sunday 6 October
at 10:30 a.m. eastern
Talk by Rev. Faith Woods,
directora espiritual
música por John Campbell
Encuentro dominical via zoom

Hey Everybody, this Sunday I’ll be reading my essay “Self Inquiry is for Everybody.” It is inspired by my own walk with Spirituality, and the inspiration I’ve received from good places of worship like the Center for Spiritual Living, as well as from books like “Love Without End” and “A Course in Miracles.” I hope you are having a great week, and I look forward to being with you Sunday.
With Love, John Campbell
Hola a todos, este domingo estaré leyendo mi ensayo «La Autoindagación es para Todos». Es inspirado por mi propio camino con la Espiritualidad, y la inspiración que he recibido de buenos lugares como el Centro para la Vida Espiritual, y de libros como «Amor sin Fin» y «Un Curso de Milagros». Espero que estén teniendo una gran semana, y espero estar con ustedes el domingo.
Con mucho amor, John Campbell

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. To support uplifting consciousness in DC & beyond, you can mail acheck to Center for Spiritual Living | 7059 Blair Rd NW | Washington, DC 20012 | or use paypal (accounts@CSLDC.org) or CashApp ($CSLDC). !Gracias!
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A world that works for everyone.