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Turning the Page to a Fresh Outlook / Pasar página

Turning the Page to a Fresh Outlook

Bilingual Online service
Sunday 20 October

at 10:30 a.m. eastern
Talk by Dean Jackie Jones,
directora espiritual

oraciones por Teresa Valenzuela,
directora espiritual

Encuentro dominical via zoom

Outdoor reading with a coffee
Our DC based Center is possible thanks to generous support from friends. Please consider making a donation. Gracias
Nuestro Centro, con sede en Washington DC, es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de nuestros amigos. Gracias!
Iguana at the beach
In the northern hemisphere the season is now changing to autumn. Leaves change colors and shed, opening the way to the new season. In the southern hemisphere spring is starting to show itself. New life brings color and warmth back. In between the north and south, people who live near the equator experience milder seasonal changes. Wherever we are, most of us begin to plan for the year-end holidays and holy days, with family and cultural traditions. Changing seasons and changing years offer special opportunities to "wipe the slate clean" and focus on renewal and growth. Our New Thought philosophy
offers a way to see and embrace a vision we've yet to imagine.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. To support uplifting consciousness in DC & beyond, you can mail acheck to Center for Spiritual Living | 7059 Blair Rd NW | Washington, DC 20012 | or use paypal ( or CashApp ($CSLDC). !Gracias!

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