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🌎  The Power of Vulnerability / El poder de la vulnerabilidad

The Power of Vulnerability 

 El Poder de la vulnerabilidad 

Talk by  / Charla por 
Alex Escudero, Directora Espiritual
Bilingual Online service Sunday 2 April
at 10:30 a.m. eastern

Encuentro dominical via zoom

Our DC based Center is possible thanks to generous support from friends. Please consider making a donation. Gracias

La vulnerabilidad es un ingrediente clave en nuestra propia transformación personal, ya que crea una mayor conciencia de lo que se encuentra justo debajo de la superficie. A medida que observamos la vulnerabilidad a través de este lente, comenzaremos a ver cómo la vulnerabilidad es un componente esencial para construir una comunidad próspera y saludable.

We will explore what often gets in the way of being vulnerable and what steps we can take to navigate this path. Vulnerability is a key ingredient in our own personal transformation as it creates an expanded awareness of what lies just below the surface. As we look at vulnerability through this lens, we will begin to see how vulnerability is a building block for a thriving and healthy

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. To support uplifting consciousness in DC & beyond, you can mail acheck to Center for Spiritual Living | 7059 Blair Rd NW | Washington, DC 20012 | or use paypal ( or CashApp ($CSLDC). !Gracias!

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