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🌎 Paying Forward / Gracias a la vida

Coffee with a foam heart

Paying Forward
Gracias a la vida
Talk by / charla por Alex Escudero,
directora espiritual
Bilingual Online service Sunday 15 May
at 10:30 a.m. eastern

Encuentro dominical via zoom

What are some of my greatest opportunities for growth in exploring and healing in my emotions around happiness?
Cuales son algunas de mis mayores oportunidades de cremcimiento en la exploracion y sanacion de mis emociones en torno al miedo?

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. To support uplifting consciousness in DC & beyond, you can mail acheck to Center for Spiritual Living | 7059 Blair Rd NW | Washington, DC 20012 | or use paypal ( or CashApp ($CSLDC). !Gracias!

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