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🌎 Living Your Purpose / Vivir tu propósito

Kid in front of a lot of stairs

Living Your Purpose  

Vivir tu propósito   

Talk by  / Charla por 
Faith Woods, directora espiritual
Bilingual Online service Sunday 1 October
at 10:30 a.m. eastern

Encuentro dominical via zoom

Vivir en voz alta puede ser desalentador, asustar y requerir valor. Cuando recibimos un "¡Sí!" claro y
sabemos lo que tenemos que hacer, nos iluminamos o nos encogemos. Quienes se convierten en héroes y abren caminos lo hacen porque se ven impulsados a la acción por un impulso interior o un acontecimiento espontáneo. Algunos son guiados
por pasiones o encuentran su brújula interior.
Our DC based Center is possible thanks to generous support from friends. Please consider making a donation. Gracias
Nuestro Centro, con sede en Washington DC, es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de nuestros amigos. Gracias!
Living out Loud can be daunting, scary and take courage. When we get a clear "Yes!" and know what is ours to do, we either light up or shrink away. Those who become way-showers and heroes do so because they are impelled to action by an inner urge or a spontaneous event, Others hear a "clear call," or hear a still small voice. Some are guided by passions
or find their inner compass.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation. To support uplifting consciousness in DC & beyond, you can mail acheck to Center for Spiritual Living | 7059 Blair Rd NW | Washington, DC 20012 | or use paypal ( or CashApp ($CSLDC). !Gracias!

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